Friday, September 26, 2008

Weird, man. Count the number of people in this picture...

...then add up the total of the numbers in the address of the home in the picture-"3511".

Have you done it yet?

Good. Spooky isn't it?

No? Well how about this: the picture was taken recently on Norwood Blvd for a home that was recently closed on by a new owner and this was the culmination of the first get together of probably many (if I know the owner like I think I do). Consider that the people here are part of the new generation of folk who have moved into Norwood over the past four years or so and tend to get together rather easily once the word is put out. Consider that one of the people is the new owner's next door neighbor. Consider that one of the people in the picture had a relative who lived in this very house in the 1960s. Spooky.

That's a lot to consider. Now throw the number 10 consideration out the window because you have to consider that the person taking the picture (who is the new owner of the 3511 house) makes the total number one more than the people in the picture. Te-Hee. Just playing around.

But hey I've got something real to consider. Come with me to see
Founberg Treme
one of the documentaries in this year's Sidewalk Picture festival. It's showing today (Sat) at the Civil Rights Insitute at 1:15pm. The Treme section is in my hometown New Orleans and is a neighborhood that early on caused me to fall in love with historical areas of cities. It's located right outside of the French Quarter, so if you haven't been there you'll be able to easily see it the next time you go to NOLa. It just so turns out that it's also one of the most unique areas in America historically and a key to why New Orleans is such a unique place. Here's some online info about it.

Also the Northside Blocakwatch Festival is going on in Norwood Park 8am to 4pm. Potential neighbor Andre Natta is the wizard behind the curtain of the WordPress Conference for bloggers downtown today and tomorrow. There's a lot to consider this weekend!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

He has an easel. He will travel. You will be impressed

Myron Pierre is a unique type of Birminghamian. You can tell this immediately by the red handkerchief he wears rolled and tied around his neck, artist style. It's a touch of class fashion move that quickly says to people like me "deep waters ahead". That's just me though. But even before seeing the handkerchief you would have probably noticed the stand up easel with the umbrella over it that he is sitting at working on a boulevard somewhere in Alabama. It's the first thing I noticed. He's a man on a mission it turns out: "The downtown areas of our cities should be recorded by hand. That's what I'm trying to do with my portraits." Like I said-'deep'.

You should wade in and take a look at his work. He's been doing hand drawings of buildings and homes for almost 20 years, mainly here in Alabama. I met him during Artwalk this year and I'm richer in experience for having done so. I plan on having him do a portrait of my home on 'The Circle' and talk to him about his gardening project over in West End. More on that later. His flyer says you can reach him at 205-223-2164.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Scoop! Local online celebrity may be moving to Norwood.

Andre and Betsey may be moving to Norwood. Yes, I refer to them by only their first names. What would our Southern cities look like if people like Andre Natta, founder, editor and publisher of The Terminal website, among other web projects, was commonly referred to by folk who don't know them as simply "ANDRE"? I can hear the chant now: "AN-DRE! YES. WE. CAN....get people to realize that historic downtowns and neighborhoods are the bomb!" For you non-geeks out there who don't know who 'Dre is, he was profiled here in the Black and White Paper in July.

Anyway, flights of fancy aside and jibes at non-geeks aside, I'm excited to hear that Andre Natta may be moving to my neighborhood. The home he and Betsey have identified is not far from my street ("The Circle" among those in the know) and they're working on a deal with the current owners to acquire it for a residence. Yes, a residence, as in for themselves. Take that other Intown neighborhoods-all of which I love-just not as much as where I live.

Necessary disclaimer: it is possible that the purchase may not work out. I was just excited to hear of the strong possibility of the move. It would definitely be a positive for Intown. He and Betsey are a node in the network of people having a positive and progressive impact on Birmingham. Anyone interested in blogging and internet development should attend the upcoming WordCamp Conference he's organizing. I and other Andre and Betsey fans will be there.